Where to find us?
By the sea in lovely Naantali, of course! Our street address is Matkailijantie 2, 21100 Naantali.
Check-in and check-out
The room is at your disposal by 15.00 hours at the latest, but depending on the booking situation on the day of arrival there is a possibility to have the room earlier. Hotel guests are free to use the spa on the day of arrival, and luggage can be left at the reception. Check out time is at 12 noon, but you can ask for later check out, if the booking situation allows extending (A late check out fee applies).
Coming by car?
Domestic distances are very convenient:
- Turku 15 km
- Helsinki 180 km
- Tampere 168 km
Naantali Spa has a large, well-lit parking area in the front of the hotel, including disabled parking. Parking is at your own risk. Parking fee: first 2 h are free, after that 2,-/h or 15,-/24 h.
The fee can be paid at the reception or to the machine at the parking lot. The Parkman and EasyPark apps are also valid.
The Spa Residence building offers a secured and heated parking garage for 20,-/24 h.
For bus parking: the reception or the sales service gives special instructions.
Please ask the driver for Taxidata’s set prices to Naantali Spa before the journey (Download coupon below). Payment to driver, prices include 1 to 4 persons.
Buses in locat traffic
Local buses traffic between Turku and Naantali about every 15 minutes at daytime. Check timetables at www.foli.fi »
Trains, long distance buses
Matkahuolto (long distance traffic) »
Helsinki-Vantaa airport-Turku and Helsinki-Turku
Vr.fi »
Helsinki-Kupittaa station (temporarely)-Turku and Turku main station-Tampere
Take the mini-train into town
The Naantali old town is at a walking distance from the Spa. During summer there is also a mini-train which will take you to the town and back. Timetable and prices are available at the reception.